69 research outputs found

    Performance assessment of low-cost thermal cameras for medical applications

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    Thermal imaging is a promising technology in the medical field. Recent developments in low-cost infrared (IR) sensors, compatible with smartphones, provide competitive advantages for home-monitoring applications. However, these sensors present reduced capabilities compared to more expensive high-end devices. In this work, the characterization of thermal cameras is described and carried out. This characterization includes non-uniformity (NU) effects and correction as well as the thermal cameras´ dependence on room temperature, noise-equivalent temperature difference (NETD), and response curve stability with temperature. Results show that low-cost thermal cameras offer good performance, especially when used in temperature-controlled environments, providing evidence of the suitability of such sensors for medical applications, particularly in the assessment of diabetic foot ulcers on which we focused this study.This research was funded by the IACTEC Technological Training program, grant number TF INNOVA 2016-2021, and by the European Union Interreg-Mac funding program, grant number MAC/1.1.b/098 (MACbioIDi project)

    A 30 GHz planar array antenna using dipole-coupled-lens

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    Measurements of the radiation patterns from a planar array of bow-tie slot antennas coupled through an extended hemispherical lens are reported. The design operates over 10% bandwidth centred at 30 GHz with a return loss of 10 dB. A moderate directivity from the integrated lenses of 13 dB with half-power beamwidth (HPBW) of 10º is achieved. The reduced size of this design is suitable for the integration with millimetre wave circuits.This work was supported by the Spanish "Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion" through the projects ESP2004-07067-C03-01 and AYA2007-68058-C03-02

    Bimodal microwave and ultrasound phantoms for non-invasive clinical imaging

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    A precise and thorough methodology is presented for the design and fabrication of bimodal phantoms to be used in medical microwave and ultrasound applications. Dielectric and acoustic properties of human soft tissues were simultaneously mimicked. The phantoms were fabricated using polyvinyl alcohol cryogel (PVA-C) as gelling agent at a 10% concentration. Sucrose was employed to control the dielectric properties in the microwave spectrum, whereas cellulose was used as acoustic scatterer for ultrasound. For the dielectric properties at microwaves, a mathematical model was extracted to calculate the complex permittivity of the desired mimicked tissues in the frequency range from 500 MHz to 20 GHz. This model, dependent on frequency and sucrose concentration, was in good agreement with the reference Cole-Cole model. Regarding the acoustic properties, the speed of sound and attenuation coefficient were employed for validation. In both cases, the experimental data were consistent with the corresponding theoretical values for soft tissues. The characterization of these PVA-C phantoms demonstrated a significant performance for simultaneous microwave and ultrasound operation. In conclusion, PVA-C has been validated as gelling agent for the fabrication of complex multimodal phantoms that mimic soft tissues providing a unique tool to be used in a range of clinical applications.Tis work was supported by the IACTEC Technological Training program (TF INNOVA 2016-2021) and European Union Interreg-Mac funding program under grant MAC/1.1.b/098 (MACbioIDi project). Te authors would like to thank the Medical Technology for Sustainable Development from the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Biomédica y Sanitaria (IUIBS), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, for the loan of US equipment

    A wideband correlation and detection module based on substrate-integrated waveguide technology for radio astronomy applications

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    A wideband (30% relative bandwidth) correlation and detection module based on substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) technology intended for a radio astronomy polarimeter is presented. The SIW circuit is a six-port network with two input ports that are correlated in two hybrid couplers and their corresponding output signals are routed to Schottky diode detectors, which are designed using microstrip technology and assembled within the same system. The designed SIW structure includes hybrid couplers, power dividers, a 90° phase shifter, and 90° bends, providing a real implementation of a functional system with improved bandwidth performance from 35 to 47 GHz. Experimental results are in concordance with simulations, and they validate the module operation for the proposed application.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Project AYA2013-49759-EXP

    Híbrido 180º de banda ancha en tecnología uniplanar para ondas milimétricas

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    This document presents the design, simulation and characterization of a hybrid-ring coupler using uniplanar technology, developed at millimetre-wave frequencies. The hybrid-ring coupler is designed using a combination of coplanar waveguide (CPW) and slotline transmission lines in order to achieve the phase difference response between the transmitted and coupled ports. The use of uniplanar technology makes a straightforward and fast implementation, and also offers an easy integration with other MIC or MMIC applications. The circuit is optimized to get the best phase results by tuning the slotline branch of the ring. Circuit characterization shows a wideband frequency response, around 17 GHz, in terms of phase difference (180º±5º) working up to 40 GHz

    Calibration of a polarimetric microwave radiometer using a double directional coupler

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    This paper presents a built-in calibration procedure of a 10-to-20 GHz polarimeter aimed at measuring the I, Q, U Stokes parameters of cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. A full-band square waveguide double directional coupler, mounted in the antenna-feed system, is used to inject differently polarized reference waves. A brief description of the polarimetric microwave radiometer and the system calibration injector is also reported. A fully polarimetric calibration is also possible using the designed double directional coupler, although the presented calibration method in this paper is proposed to obtain three of the four Stokes parameters with the introduced microwave receiver, since V parameter is expected to be zero for the CMB radiation. Experimental results are presented for linearly polarized input waves in order to validate the built-in calibration system.The authors would like to thank The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for financial support provided through the grants ESP2015-70646-C2-2-R, ESP2017-83921-C2-2-R and PID2019-110610RB-C2

    Cryogenic performance of a 3-14 GHz bipolar SiGe low-noise amplifier

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    The performance of silicon-germanium (SiGe) transistors under cryogenic operation is analysed. The design and characterization of a 3–14 GHz low-noise amplifier (LNA) using SiGe transistors at 300 K and at 13 K are presented. A three stage amplifier is implemented with bipolar transistors model BFU910F from NXP commercially available with a plastic package. The amplifier exhibits 36.8 dB average gain with average noise temperature of 103 K and 42 mW DC power consumption at 300 K ambient temperature. Whereas cooled down to 13 K ambient temperature, it provides 32.4 dB average gain, 11.4 K average noise temperature with a minimum of 7.2 K at 3.5 GHz and a DC power dissipation of 5.8 mW. The presented LNA demonstrates an outstanding performance at cryogenic temperature for a commercial plastic packaged transistor.The authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness for the financial support provided under the grant ESP2015-70646-C2-2-R

    Morphological foot model for temperature pattern analysis proposed for diabetic foot disorders

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    Infrared thermography is a non-invasive and accessible tool that maps the surface temperature of a body. This technology is particularly useful for diabetic foot disorders, since it facilitates the identification of higher risk patients by frequent monitoring and therefore limits the incidence of disabling conditions. The aim of this work is to provide a methodology to explore the entire plantar aspects of both feet, based on infrared thermography, for the assessment of diabetic foot anomalies. A non-invasive methodology was established to identify areas of higher risk and track their progress via longitudinal monitoring. A standard morphological model was extracted from a group of healthy subjects, nine females and 13 males, by spatial image registration. This healthy foot model can be taken as a template for the assessment of temperature asymmetry, even in cases in which partial amputations or deformations are present. A pixel-wise comparison of the temperature patterns was carried out by Wilcoxon´s matched-pairs test using the corresponding template. For all the subjects, the left foot was compared to the contralateral foot, the right one, providing a map of statistically significant areas of variation, within the template, among the healthy subjects at different time points. In the female case, the main areas of variability were the boundaries of the feet, whereas for the male, in addition to this, substantial changes that exhibited a clear pattern were observed. A fast and simple monitoring tool is provided to be used for personalized medical diagnosis in patients affected by diabetic foot disorders.This research was funded by the IACTEC Technological Training program, grant number TF INNOVA 2016-2021. This work was completed while Abián Hernández was a beneficiary of a pre-doctoral grant given by the “Agencia Canaria de Investigacion, Innovacion y Sociedad de la Información (ACIISI)” of the “Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento y Empleo” of the “Gobierno de Canarias”, which is partly financed by the European Social Fund (FSE) (POC 2014-2020, Eje 3 Tema Prioritario 74 (85%))

    Double square waveguide directional coupler for polarimeter calibration

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    A novel full-band square waveguide coupler design based on directional couplers which couple the TE10 and TE01 orthogonal modes in a square waveguide is presented. This waveguide coupler is aimed at the calibration of polarization receivers. This is composed of a pair of rectangular waveguide directional couplers, which are rotated 90° between them and both are coupled to the main square waveguide through each one of the square section walls. The coupler covers the full frequency band from 10 to 18.9 GHz. It has inherent low cross-polarization, which allows obtaining any known elliptically polarized wave at a square waveguide when a signal is applied to the couplers. The fabricated prototype of this coupler exhibits 31 dB of coupling, with flatness of ±3.8 dB and excellent cross polarization better than 50 dB over the whole band.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grant ESP2015-70646-C2-2-R

    Segmentation approaches for diabetic foot disorders

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    Thermography enables non-invasive, accessible, and easily repeated foot temperature measurements for diabetic patients, promoting early detection and regular monitoring protocols, that limit the incidence of disabling conditions associated with diabetic foot disorders. The establishment of this application into standard diabetic care protocols requires to overcome technical issues, particularly the foot sole segmentation. In this work we implemented and evaluated several segmentation approaches which include conventional and Deep Learning methods. Multimodal images, constituted by registered visual-light, infrared and depth images, were acquired for 37 healthy subjects. The segmentation methods explored were based on both visual-light as well as infrared images, and optimization was achieved using the spatial information provided by the depth images. Furthermore, a ground truth was established from the manual segmentation performed by two independent researchers. Overall, the performance level of all the implemented approaches was satisfactory. Although the best performance, in terms of spatial overlap, accuracy, and precision, was found for the Skin and U-Net approaches optimized by the spatial information. However, the robustness of the U-Net approach is preferred.This research was funded by the IACTEC Technological Training program, grant number TF INNOVA 2016–2021. This work was completed while Abián Hernández was beneficiary of a pre-doctoral grant given by the “Agencia Canaria de Investigacion, Innovacion y Sociedad de la Información (ACIISI)” of the “Consejería de Economía, Industria, Comercio y Conocimiento” of the “Gobierno de Canarias”, which is partly financed by the European Social Fund (FSE) (POC 2014–2020, Eje 3 Tema Prioritario 74 (85%))